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PEYSANJ Software

Are you looking for a software to carry out day-to-day geotechnical engineering analysis such as:

  • Bearing Capacity & Settlement Analysis (pad, strip and raft foundations)

  • Stress Distribution Analysis

    • Under a Footing

    • Surcharge Behind Retaining Walls

  • Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficients

  • Plate Loading Test Analysis

  • Pressure-Meter Test Analysis

Bearing Capacity & Settlement Analysis

PEYSANJ is the only software you need for your bearing capacity analyses! Many jobs are too complicated for a simple Excel spreadsheet calculation and need more sophisticated analyses for multi-layer stratigraphy, water level effects, and so on. Allowable bearing capacity should meet both shear failure and settlement criteria.


PEYSANJ uses “Hansen (modified Terzaghi)” method for analysis of soil shear failure (including the effect of groundwater table, if present). For settlement analysis, “Steinbrenner and Goodier (Timoshenko)” and rigid foundation settlement equations are used. Both immediate (elastic) settlement and one-dimensional “Terzaghi” consolidation settlement will be estimated for settlement analysis.

Plate Loading Test

This test is widely used to determine soil elasticity modulus (Es) and modulus of subgrade reaction (Ks). Input data consists of the load (P) applied on the plate, and settlement (S) measured on the gauges. PEYSANJ automatically detects different loading-unloading cycles, and it calculates Ks values for each cycle. Stress-Settlement diagram is also plotted and average Ks value is calculated. Another feature in this module is conversion of Ks30 to Ks of the footing.

  • Automatically detecting loading / unloading cycles

  • Calculation details for each loading cycle including modulus of subgrade reaction

  • All input data and formula are inserted in final report

  • User can manually determine the elastic phase if necessary

Menard Pressure-Meter Test

Processing Menard pressure meter test is easy using PEYSANJ! The analysis is based on ASTM D4719 and input data consist of calibration data, pressure (P) and volume (V) readings, groundwater level, etc.

After computing the elastic portion of the P-V curve, “Menard Modulus (Em)” and “Limit Pressure (Pl)” are reported. Pressure vs volume is also plotted along with elastic and plastic phases of the test. The elastic phase of the loading curve can be edited by the user in order to choose the most reasonable set of Em and Pl.

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