The FEM - Earthquake is used to perform dynamic analysis of geotechnical structures loaded by ground motion. It either accepts user-defined accelerograms or generates ground motion histories compatible with the specified response spectrum. The program outputs the evolution of displacements, stresses, internal forces and other mechanical quantities and summarizes their maximum values. It also performs modal analysis to acquire eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the system for setting the material damping. Earthquake is an extension module of the FEM program for the analysis of general geotechnical problems.

Material models:
Linear elastic model
Mohr-Coulomb model
Modified Mohr-Coulomb model
Drucker-Prager model
Material damping
Damping ratio
Automatically computed or user defined Rayleigh damping coefficients
User defined acceleration history
Automatically generated accelerograms compatible with Eurocode 8 response
Boundary conditions
Fixed boundary conditions on bottom boundary for models truncated at soft soil/stiff rock interface
Quiet (non-reflective) boundary conditions on bottom boundary for models truncated within soil/rock layer
Radiation and traction boundary conditions on lateral boundaries to properly address far-field conditions
Modal analysis
Eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes
Modal participation factors and modal effective mass to identify eigenmodes participation in horizontal and vertical direction
Run earthquake analysis in any construction stage
Geotechnical BIM in GEO5 software
New way of anchor modelling (FEM)
Analysis of pile bearing capacity according to EA-Pfähle (Pile)
Pile bearing capacity according to the De Beer method (Pile CPT)
Visualisation of load and springs (Pile Group)
Tensar UX catalog of reinforcements (MSE Wall)