SPT Correlations Software – NovoSPT
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the most popular and economical test for evaluation of subsurface information, both on land and offshore. This test is widely used to obtain the bearing capacity of soil for shallow and deep (pile) foundations. Blow counts (N) measured in the field are corrected for rod length, borehole size, sampler type, and hammer energy level. The corrected blow counts (N60) are then used for estimation of various soil properties and bearing capacity.
325 SPT Correlations!
NovoSPT is a powerful, user-friendly geotechnical software for correlating soil properties from SPT blow counts. We have gone through more than 70 published papers and geotechnical reference books and collected over 325 SPT correlations with various soil properties.

List of Correlated Soil Parameters
Modulus of Elasticity (Es)
Internal Friction Angle (Φ)
Relative Density (Dr)
Undrained Shear Strength (Su)
CPT Tip Resistance (Qc)
Over Consolidation Ratio (OCR)
Shear Wave Velocity (VS)
Shear Modulus (Gmax)
Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR)
Wildcat Cone Resistance (Qd)
Compressibility Factor (Mv)
Normalized Dilation Angle
Foundation Settlement
Saturated Unit Weight (γ)
Initial Modulus of Stiffness (G0)
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (KS)
Pressure Meter Menard Modulus (Epmt)
Bearing Capacity of Footings and Piles