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Pile CPT

This program verifies the vertical bearing capacity and settlement of piles, based on the results provided by (static) cone penetration tests (CPT) and standard penetration tests (SPT).


  • Analysis of the pile bearing capacity according to CPTs using the following standards and methods:

    • EN 1997-2

    • NEN 6743

    • LCPC (Bustamante)

    • Schmertmann

  • Analysis of the pile bearing capacity according to SPTs using the following methods:

    • Décourt-Quaresma

    • Aoki-Velloso

  • Circular or rectangular pile cross-section (with the option of base enlargement)

  • Takes account of pile and installation technology

  • Built-in database of soils

  • General layered subsoil

  • Import CPT and SPT tests in TXT format, gINT format, AGS format or NEN standard

  • Verification based on the theory of limit states or factor of safety

  • Calculation of the limit load curve and pile settlement for a given loading

  • Analysis of the pile group according to the CPTs

  • Accounts for negative skin friction

  • Verification of timber pile cross section

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