Redi-Rock Wall
This program is used for designing advanced retaining walls using Redi-Rock wall systems. It allows analysis of gravity walls with Redi-Rock blocks, as well as calculation of MSE walls with Redi-Rock Positive Connection (PC) blocks and Mirafi geogrids

Calculation of MSE walls with Redi-Rock Positive Connection (PC) blocks and Mirafi geogrids
Database of blocks and setbacks produced by Redi-Rock Inc.
Analysis of Gravity Wall or MSE Wall
Modeling of the entire wall
Verification analysis can be performed employing EN 1997-1, LRFD or classical approach (limit states, factor of safety)
Verification of wall against slip and overturning
Verification of slip and overturning of arbitrary part of the wall (dimensioning)
Verification of bearing capacity of foundation soil in program Spread Footing
Verification of slip on georeinforcement, tensile and pull-out resistance of georeinforcement
Verification of connection strength
Verification of internal stability
for extensible reinforcements
Standard - straight slip surface
AASHTO – Extensible
FHWA NHI-10-024
for inextensible reinforcements
AASHTO – Inextensible
JTGD30 - 2004 Highway China Code
TB 10025 Railway China Code
BS 8006 - Coherent Gravity Method
Verification of global stability of a wall using a program Slope Stability
Earthquake effects (Mononobe-Okabe, Arrango, Chinese standards, NCMA)