Sheeting Check
This program is used to make advanced design of embedded retaining walls using the method of elasto-plastic non-linear analysis.
It allows the user to model the real structure behavior using stages of construction, to calculate the deformation and pressures acting upon the structure, to verify the internal anchor stability or to verify cross-sections (steel, RC, timber) and the bearing capacity of the anchors.
The GEO5 Sheeting Design program can be used to make basic design of the required length of the structure in soil, to calculate the internal forces on the structure or to verify cross-sections.

Method of elasto-plastic non-linear analysis i.e. the magnitude of pressures acting upon a structure depend on its deformation
Variety of pre-defined types of cross-section:
Pile wall (Secant pile wall, Tangent pile wall, Contiguous pile wall)
Soldier pile wall (Berliner wall) - Steel cross section (I, HEB)
Sheet pile wall
Steel cross-sections (Skyline, Arcelor Mittal, Vítkovice Steel, Agastyl, ThyssenKrupp, Gerdau, Bethlehem Steel, Mer Lion Metals)
Vinyl cross-sections (CMI, ESP Everlast Synthetic Products)
Concrete rectangular walls (Diaphragm wall, Milano walls)
Steel-concrete cross-sections
Timber pole wall
Other – possibility to input own material characteristics
Possiblity to model double-row pile wall
Anchored, strutted and cantilevered walls supported
Generally layered soil environment
Built-in database of soil parameters
Arbitrary number of surcharges applied to structures (strip, trapezoidal, concentrated load)
Modelling of water in front of and behind structures, modelling of artesian water
Built-in database of anchors:
Pre-stressed bar anchors (VSL, Dywidag, ARCO, SAS)
Strand anchors (VSL, Dywidag)
Helical anchors (Helical Anchors Ltd, Chance, MacLean)
Anchor bars (VSL, Minova)
Deadman anchors
Bearing capacity of anchors (Anchor Strength, pull-out Resistence (soil), Pull-out Resistence (grouting))
Analysis of non prestressed anchors and soil nails
Analysis according to the theory limit states and safety factor
Verification of internal stability of anchors
Various methods for the evaluation of the modulus of subsoil reaction (Schmitt, Ménard, Chadeisson)
Automatic or manual iteration of modulus of subgrade reaction
EN 1997 – option to choose partial factors based on National Annexes
EN 1997 – option to choose all design approaches, consider design situations
General shape of terrain behind the structure
Berms in front of the structure
Analysis of earth pressures in effective and total parameters
Earthquake effects (Mononobe-Okabe, Arrango, Chinese standards)
Check the failure by heave and verification of failure by piping of soil
Utilization of passive resistance
Possibility to consider minimum dimensioning pressure
Struts and springs can be defined
Temperature load of props
Envelope of internal forces for individual construction stages
The structure can be loaded by specified forces and moments
Dimensioning of RC, steel and timber cross-sections according to various standards (EC, BS, SNiP, CSN, Chinese standards etc.)