TUNA plus is the NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method) tunnel analysis program which is specially designed to be used for practicing engineers in the fields of tunnel design, construction, or supervising. TUNA plus has fully automated built-in pre, main, and post processors so that users having no numerical analysis background can analyze NATM tunnels.
Software Requirements
Windows 64 Bit Operating System
Intel Pentinum 4 or AMD Processor
4 GB Ram with 30 GB Free Space in Drive C
SVGA Monitor
Nonlinear Liner-Medium Interaction
English and Metric Units
Multi-Staged Excavations
Multi-Layered Geological Medium
Plain or Reinforced Concrete Liners
Shotcrete and Rock Bolt Installation
Tunnel Geometries
Single Tunnel (Half Section)
Single Tunnel (Full Section)
Symmetric Two Tunnels
Unsymmetric Two Tunnels -
Liner Loads - Weight, Water Pressure, Loosening Load
Support Degradation -
Tunnel Shapes- Circular, Horseshoe, User Defined

Ground Surface Settlement
Tunnel Deformed Shape
Contours of Safety Factor
Axial Stresses of Rock Bolt
Deformed Shape of Liner
Stresses in the Reinforcing Bars
Stresses in the Extreme Fiber of the Liner
Bending Moment, Thrust, and Shear in the Liner
Principal Stress in the Surrounding Medium and Shotcrete
Displacement History at Ground Surface, Tunnel Crown, Spring Line,
and Invert.